
AI Exploration: “More Intelligent. More Human.”

AI Exploration: “More Intelligent. More Human.” Elements of the original image, such as utility wires and branches overhead, were “distractions” that he wanted to remove – a process he says was made much simpler with the use of the emerging technology of artificial intelligence. A black-and-white version of the edited photo is among the pieces in “Facades,” Hahn’s current show at the Butler Institute of American Art. “AI has allowed me to take chances when photographing in the field. I… Read More »AI Exploration: “More Intelligent. More Human.”

Industry Leaders Convene at Prestigious Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices “Mavericks” Real Estate Summit

Industry Leaders Convene at Prestigious Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices “Mavericks” Real Estate Summit Leading figures in home services converged to discuss real estate, insurance, mortgage, title & other related business units in Pittsburgh for the exclusive “Mavericks” summit. PITTSBURGH, Nov. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Leading figures in home services converged to discuss real estate, insurance, mortgage, title & other related business units in Pittsburgh for the exclusive “Mavericks” summit, a groundbreaking leadership event hosted by Kevin M. Leonard, President and COO of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Stouffer Realty. The… Read More »Industry Leaders Convene at Prestigious Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices “Mavericks” Real Estate Summit

RIS Media Futurist Award 2024

Kevin M. Leonard of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Stouffer Realty has been recognized as a Futurist for the RISMedia 2024 Real Estate Newsmaker Awards.  Kevin M. Leonard joins an elite group of industry leaders who are celebrated for their impactful contributions to the real estate sector. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Stouffer Realty proudly announces that Kevin M. Leonard, President and COO, has been named among the RISMedia 2024 Real Estate Newsmakers. This distinguished group highlights key figures whose significant contributions have positively… Read More »RIS Media Futurist Award 2024

Embracing the Power of Hardship: How Challenge Forges Unbreakable Character

(I’ve been collecting quotes – for two decades now – this quote reminds me of a story that I’d like to share) Affliction Creates Endurance, Endurance Builds Character. Nobody enjoys hardship. When things get tough, that pit in your stomach, the self-doubt that creeps in – it’s normal. But here’s what I’ve learned, in the trenches of many businesses and leading teams through uncertainty: Affliction builds character and is ultimately a catalyst for growth.  It’s all too easy to fall… Read More »Embracing the Power of Hardship: How Challenge Forges Unbreakable Character

Embracing Change: My Growth Mindset journey and what it means for your business

Let’s be honest: a lot of people talk about the “growth mindset,” but do they really walk the walk? I know I didn’t always. It takes work to break free from those old, limiting thought patterns – heck, I catch myself slipping back sometimes! But the truth is, once you start thinking bigger, challenging the status quo, it’s hard to go back. In real estate, I had to innovate to survive. That’s the fire that fueled the success I’ve had… Read More »Embracing Change: My Growth Mindset journey and what it means for your business

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Commercial Real Estate Division

Introducing BHHS Stouffer Realty’s Ohio Commercial Real Estate Division: A Strategic Expansion Building on Pittsburgh Success. CLEVELAND, Sept. 12, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — A leading player in the real estate industry, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Stouffer Realty proudly announces the launch of its Ohio Commercial Real Estate Division. “We are so excited for the launch of our Commercial Real Estate Division here at Berkshire Hathaway Stouffer Realty” says Tom Hosack, CEO of BHHS. Leveraging the remarkable success and leadership of its sister company’s platform Berkshire Hathaway… Read More »Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Commercial Real Estate Division

Strategy and How it Impacts Every Aspect of your Organization

As a leader, you understand the importance of strategy and how it impacts every aspect of your organization. Whether you’re in the real estate business or any other industry, a well-defined strategy is essential for success. But have you considered how your strategy influences the daily decisions made and tasks completed within your organization? Why is strategy so important? Simply put, it provides a roadmap for achieving your goals. Without a clear strategy in place, you risk making decisions that… Read More »Strategy and How it Impacts Every Aspect of your Organization


The C-Suite is the most significant level of corporate leadership, and its decisions enormously impact a company’s success. To keep up with the ever-changing business landscape, you must stay ahead of trends and develop strategies to help your company grow. One such method is understanding the trifecta for growth: recruiting, retaining, and productivity. This article will detail each area, exploring what it takes to get results from these three powerful focus areas.Regarding recruitment, having access to top talent can be… Read More »WHITE PAPER: THE C-SUITE’S TRIFECTA FOR GROWTH: RECRUITING, RETAINING, AND PRODUCTIVITY


“Being recognized and ranked in the Top 00.1% of Real Estate Professionals with this achiever award is a humble reminder that by taking control of our own narrative, we are able to shape our own future, regardless of market conditions.” Kevin Leonard of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Stouffer Realty Named an RISMedia 2023 Real Estate Newsmaker Kevin Leonard joins exclusive group of industry leaders who have made newsworthy contributions to the real estate industry Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Stouffer Realty is pleased… Read More »RECIPIENT OF NATIONAL ACHIEVER AWARD FROM RISMEDIA

What is a Personal Development Plan?

Transforming from the current version of yourself to the best version of yourself is a lifetime process, not an event. It doesn’t simply happen. It requires ongoing attention and nurture. Shortcuts are not available. You must complete your research and be certain of the objectives and results that you wish to attain, a singular person in all your complexity. Furthermore, you can’t walk the journey of personal development in a vacuum. You need all the support you can get to… Read More »What is a Personal Development Plan?